Monday, February 27, 2006

Negative aspects...

After outlining all the positive aspects of using image maps within Online Journalism, there are of course some downsides to image maps and visual information in general. Generally, it is important to try and convey information by different means of communication - not just visually or interactively.

Working with images and image maps forces the journalist to restrict the information contained to a format and amount that can easily be included in an image map and does not require that much background and depth.

If we have another look at the image map of Iraq that illustrates different aspects about different locations in Iraq,it becomes clear that this interactive image map is a useful tool to add information to an user's knowledge and to show spatial aspects, but would not be helpful without in-depth background readings about the issue related to the situation in Iraq. Therefore,image maps and interactives should be add-ons to existing information, rather than the sole source of information.


At 8:41 am, Blogger Paul Bradshaw said...

A good critical exploration of the form - now we need more examples!

And how about the exploration of a specialist area - you mentioned European politics?

At 6:34 pm, Blogger Carina said...

Thanks for reminding patient,I'm a last minute girl! ;) European Politics coming up soon...even though it's a bit of a dauntingly complex topic...


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